General Election 2015

Update on Green Party candidate for Cheltenham, Adam Van Coevorden

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Since being selected as the Green Party’s candidate for Cheltenham in the 2015 general election, Adam Van Coevorden has been busy getting the Green message out to local voters and learning more about some of the key issues facing our town and its surrounding areas.

Most recently, Adam has supported strike action by local firefighters, spoken at the Green Party’s Gloucestershire candidate launch in Stroud, accompanied a wounded badger patrol, and campaigned with 38 degrees members against TTIP. You can keep up to date with Adam’s activities throughout the run-up to the General Election by following his blog or on Twitter: @AdamForGreenMP.

Adam with Green County Councillor Sarah Lunnon and Green MEP Molly Scott Cato at the Gloucestershire Green Party candidate launch event
Adam with Green County Councillor Sarah Lunnon and Green MEP Molly Scott Cato at the Gloucestershire Green Party candidate launch event

Adam was also recently interviewed by the Gloucestershire Echo. You can read the interview here.

Volunteers will be needed throughout the run-up to the election to deliver leaflets and help with other aspects of campaigning activity. If you would like to get involved please email Adrian at

Introducing the Green Party candidate for Cheltenham in 2015 General Election – Adam Van Coevorden

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Cheltenham Green Party are delighted to announce that local members have voted to select Adam Van Coevorden as the Green Party’s candidate for the parliamentary constituency of Cheltenham in the 2015 General Election.

Adam says:

I was born in Cheltenham 30 years ago, attending Pate’s Grammar School before moving on to study politics at the University of York. I spent six years working for Ecotricity, the renewable energy company based in Stroud, and I now work at the Higher Education Statistics Agency in Cheltenham. I live in Longlevens with my wife Jessica and our baby son Alex.

I grew up in Hester’s Way, so I know that affluence and privilege is only one side of Cheltenham. In 2014 there are people depending on food banks to feed their families and our blinkered government believes the solution is more cuts and austerity.

I joined the Green Party at University, realising the major parties had nothing of value to say about social justice or the environment. I’m very proud to stand for parliament for the only party that opposes selling off our public services, that believes free education and healthcare is a right, climate change should be tackled and poverty should be a thing of the past.

Polling neck and neck with the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party has grown into a major contender. A Green vote in 2015 will not just be an act of protest, but a real chance to bring in a new kind of politics.

Adam will be blogging throughout the election campaign, and can be found on Twitter at @AdamForGreenMP

Adam with his son Alex
Adam with his son Alex